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Agrometeorological station

Agrometeorological Station is a meteorological monitoring system designed for agricultural environment monitoring. It integrates a variety of high-precision sensors to monitor key meteorological parameters, such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, soil temperature and humidity, in real time, to provide a scientific basis and decision support for agricultural production. These data are critical to farmers and managers as they help them better unders···


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Product Details

Agrometeorological Station Product Overview

Agrometeorological Station is a modern agro-technology product designed for global agricultural practitioners to provide a comprehensive, real-time, and accurate weather monitoring solution. It integrates high-precision sensors, intelligent data processing systems, and remote communication technologies for large-scale farmers, crop researchers, and members of agricultural cooperatives to improve agricultural productivity and ensure healthy crop growth.

Agrometeorological Station Product Components

Weather station parameters

MeasuredMeasuring rangeResolutionPrecision
Atmospheric pressure10~1200hPa0.1hPa±1.5hPa
Soil temperature-40~80℃0.1℃±0.5℃
Soil Humidity (moisture)0-100%RH0.1%RH±5%RH
Wind speed0~70m/s0.1m/s±(0.3+0.03V)m/s
wind direction0~360°-±3°
Solar radiation0~2000W/m2-≤5%
Supply mode220VDC12-24Vsolar power optional

Weather station equipment sensors

Anemometer Wind Speed sensor.jpgWind direction sensor.jpgTipping bucket rain gauge sensor.jpgTipping bucket rain gauge sensor.jpgPiezoelectric Rain Gauge.png
Anemometer Wind Speed sensorWind direction sensorTipping bucket rain gauge sensorTipping bucket rain gauge sensorPiezoelectric Rain Gauge
Atmospheric Temperature Humidity air pressure Sensor.jpgultrasonic wind speed and direction sensor.png5 in1 Ultrasonic Weather Station Sensor.pngAll-in-One Weather Station.png7 in1 Ultrasonic Weather Station Sensor.png
Atmospheric Temperature Humidity air pressure Sensorultrasonic wind speed and direction sensor5 in1 Ultrasonic Weather Station SensorAll-in-One Weather Station7 in1 Ultrasonic Weather Station Sensor
Solar Radiation Sensor.jpgSolar Radiation Sensor.jpgPhotosynthetically Active Radiation Sensor.pngillumination sensor.pngUltrasonic Snow Depth Sensor.png
Solar Radiation SensorSolar Radiation SensorPhotosynthetically Active Radiation Sensor;illumination sensorUltrasonic Snow Depth Sensor
AnemometerCarbon dioxide(CO2) sensor.jpgSoil pH sensor3-in-1 Soil Temperature Humidity EC SensorSoil Moisture Temperature sensor.jpg
AnemometerCarbon dioxide sensor(CO2 sensorSoil pH sensor3-in-1 Soil Temperature Humidity EC SensorSoil Moisture Temperature sensor

Agrometeorological Station is usually composed of the following parts:

1. Meteorological Sensors: Responsible for collecting data of various meteorological elements, they are the core components of Agrometeorological Station. Common sensors include temperature sensors, humidity sensors, barometric pressure sensors, wind speed and direction sensors, rainfall sensors and so on.

2. Data collector: responsible for receiving data from sensors, and preliminary processing and storage. The data collector is usually characterized by low power consumption, high precision, anti-interference and so on.

3. Communication module: responsible for transmitting the collected data to the data center or the user side. There are various communication methods, including wired transmission (such as RS485, RJ45, etc.) and wireless transmission (such as GPRS, 4G/5G, Lorawan, etc.).

4. Power supply system: provide power support for the whole agrometeorological station. Common power supply systems include solar power supply system, battery power supply system, etc. to adapt to the use of different environments.

5. Display and control system: used for real-time display of monitoring data, and provide user interaction interface. Some agricultural weather stations are also equipped with touch screen, LED display, etc., which is convenient for users to understand the weather information intuitively.

Agrometeorological station.jpg

NiuBoL Agrometeorological Statio is an advanced agrometeorological monitoring system with the following features:

- Multi-parameter monitoring: real-time monitoring of key meteorological parameters such as air temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, solar radiation, soil temperature and humidity.

- Early warning system: Predict extreme weather events and send early warnings to users through a variety of ways.

- Remote monitoring and management: Support remote manipulation and setup for centralized monitoring and unified dispatching.

- 4G/5G wireless transmission: data is instantly uploaded to the cloud platform for remote monitoring.

- Solar self-sufficiency: High-efficiency solar panels and high-capacity batteries for continuous operation.

- Weather-resistant design: adapt to extreme weather conditions, stable operation.

- High-precision sensors: Ensure data accuracy and reliability.

- Real-time monitoring: grasp the dynamics of farmland environment at any time.

Agrometeorological station.jpg

 Agrometeorological Station Application Scenarios

- Precision agriculture: provide scientific basis to optimize irrigation, fertilization, pest control.

- Crop research: help research crop growth pattern, optimize planting plan.

- Agricultural insurance: Provide meteorological data support to facilitate insurance claims.

- Agricultural education: as a teaching tool to cultivate practical ability.

- Disaster warning: To predict extreme weather and reduce crop losses.

- Research and Education: Provide reliable data to promote the development of agricultural technology.

- Intelligent greenhouse: control the greenhouse environment to optimize crop growth.

- Water management: Rationalize the allocation of water resources.


 Why NiuBoL Agrometeorological Statio?

- Scientific cultivation: data-driven decision support.

- Cost-effectiveness: Reduce resource wastage and improve input-output ratio.

- Immediate Response: Rapid response to climate change.

- Long-term investment: High-quality components for long-term stable operation.

Agrometeorological station.jpg

 NiuBoL Commitment

Provide full technical support and after-sales service to ensure the best condition of the agro-gas station.

 Join Smart Agriculture

By choosing Agrometeorological Station, you are choosing an efficient, smart and sustainable agrometeorological monitoring solution. Start a new chapter of precision agriculture with NiuBoLAgrometeorological Statio. Inquire or place an order today to start your journey in precision agriculture!

Sensors & Weather Stations Catalog

Agriculture Sensors and Weather Stations Catalog-NiuBoL.pdf

Weather Stations Catalog-NiuBoL.pdf

Agriculture Sensors Catalog-NiuBoL.pdf

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