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What are the sensors use in agriculture?

Time:2023-12-09 10:31:18 Popularity:415

What are the sensors use in agriculture?

Sensors used in agriculture include a wide range of types to suit different environments and monitoring needs. Here are some of the common agricultural sensors:

Soil Moisture Temperature sensor.jpg

Soil Moisture Sensors: used to monitor the moisture content in the soil to help farmers keep track of the amount of moisture required by their crops so that they can control the amount of irrigation.

Temperature Sensors: Used to measure the temperature of the air and soil to help farmers understand the temperature of the environment in which their crops are growing so that they can better manage their crops.

Light Sensor: Used to measure the amount of light required by the crop, helping the farmer to understand the light environment in which the crop is growing, and thus manage the crop better.

Soil EC Sensor: Used to measure the salt content in the soil, to help farmers understand the fertility of the soil and the stability of the growing environment of the crop, so as to adjust the amount and type of fertiliser used.

Barometric Pressure Sensor: Used to measure the change of barometric pressure, to help farmers to grasp the change of weather, such as the drop of barometric pressure and the change of wind, so as to do the prevention and mitigation work of crops in time.

Wind Direction and Wind Speed Sensor: Used to measure the wind direction and wind speed, to help farmers understand the wind situation of the crop growing environment, such as sudden change of wind direction, excessive wind, etc., so as to take appropriate management measures.

UV Sensor: Used to measure the intensity of UV rays to help farmers understand the UV radiation to which their crops are exposed, so as to adjust the planting and protection measures for their crops.

PH Sensor: Used to measure the acidity and alkalinity of the soil to help farmers understand the acid-base balance of the soil, so as to adjust the planting and management measures of crops.

EC sensors: Used to measure the electrical conductivity of the soil, they help farmers understand the fertility and salinity of the soil and thus adjust crop planting and management practices.

There are also sensors for specific crops or fields, such as fruit ripening sensors for monitoring the growth of fruit trees and water quality sensors for monitoring aquaculture.

These sensors play an important role in agricultural production, helping farmers to better understand the crop growth environment and management measures, and improving the efficiency and quality of agricultural production. These sensors have the following specific roles in agricultural production:

Soil Moisture Sensor: It can help farmers to accurately measure soil moisture so as to achieve precise irrigation and avoid wasting water and increasing agricultural production costs. The sensors can automatically control the pumps and sprinklers in the irrigation facilities according to the soil moisture data, delivering and watering water at the right time to reduce water wastage and soil loss. This can reduce water consumption under the premise of ensuring that the crop needs water, but also to avoid the emergence of water rotting roots, soil caking and other problems, to improve crop survival rate and yield.

Atmospheric Temperature Humidity air pressure Sensor.jpg

Temperature Sensor: It can detect the environment temperature and output signals to the display meter through resistance, current, voltage, digital and other output methods to achieve on-site display of temperature data. At the same time, it can also transmit the data to the collector, through the software to achieve on-site display of temperature data, storage of historical records, output data analysis charts or corresponding calculations, control of heating and cooling equipment.

Light sensor: detecting light intensity, referred to as illumination, the working principle is to convert the light intensity value to voltage value, mainly used in agriculture and forestry greenhouse greenhouse cultivation and so on. By monitoring the light intensity, farmers can understand whether the crops get enough light, so as to adjust the greenhouse cover material or change the planting density of crops, in order to improve the yield and quality of crops.

Soil EC value sensor: It can be widely used in farmland irrigation management, soil fertility evaluation, salinity monitoring and other fields. Through real-time monitoring of soil EC value, farmers can adjust irrigation water quantity and fertiliser application according to the specific situation in order to avoid the problem of excessive salt accumulation or nutrient insufficiency in the soil, so as to improve the yield and quality of crops.

Other sensors: such as barometric pressure sensors, wind direction and speed sensors, and UV sensors can help farmers better grasp information on weather changes, wind and UV radiation conditions, so that they can take appropriate management measures. For example, timely reinforcement of greenhouse structures when wind is too strong, and increased shading measures for crops when UV radiation is too strong.

Overall, the application of these sensors in agricultural production can help farmers better understand the growing environment of crops and the effectiveness of management measures, so as to adopt more scientific and reasonable planting and management programmes to improve the efficiency and quality of agricultural production.

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