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Greenhouse temperature sensor

This multifunctional temperature, humidity and barometric pressure sensor, with its high precision, high stability, high adaptability and wide application value, has become an indispensable intelligent tool in modern agricultural production. It can not only help growers accurately control the greenhouse environment, improve crop yield and quality, but also promote the intelligent transformation of agricultural production and promote the development of intelligent agriculture.···


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Product Details

In modern agriculture, greenhouse cultivation has become one of the key technologies to improve crop yield and quality. In order to ensure the optimisation of the greenhouse environment, the greenhouse temperature sensor plays a crucial role. It not only monitors the temperature, humidity and air pressure inside the greenhouse in real time, but also converts these data into actionable information through advanced signal processing technology, helping farmers and managers to make scientific decisions.

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The multifunctional temperature, humidity and barometric pressure sensor is a fully digital detection and high-precision environmental monitoring device. The sensor integrates high-precision digital temperature, humidity and barometric pressure measurements to accurately and quickly detect atmospheric temperature, atmospheric humidity and atmospheric pressure. Its built-in signal processing unit can output the corresponding signals according to the user's needs, applicable to a variety of harsh climatic environments. Widely used in meteorology, marine, environmental monitoring, airports, ports, laboratories, industry, agriculture, greenhouses and transport and other fields.

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 Greenhouse temperature sensor technical parameters:

Temperature measurement:  range -40 ~ 80 ℃, accuracy ± 0.5 ℃, resolution 0.1 ℃.
Humidity measurement:  range 0~100%RH, accuracy ±5%RH, resolution 0.1%RH.
Barometric pressure measurement:  Barometric pressure measurement: range 10~1200hPa, accuracy ±1.5hPa, resolution 0.1hPa.
Power supply:  DC 12V-24V
Operating temperature:  Operating temperature: -40℃~80
Operating temperature:  Operating temperature: -40℃~80
Protection class IP65

Greenhouse temperature sensor product highlights:

- All-digital detection: adopts high-precision digital temperature, humidity, barometric pressure integration technology to ensure the accuracy and reliability of data.

- Wide range of applications: suitable for meteorological, marine, environmental, airport, port, laboratory, industry, agriculture, greenhouse and traffic and many other fields.

- Adaptability to harsh environments: High-strength structural design maintains stable operation even under extreme climatic conditions.

- Flexible Signal Output: Built-in signal processing unit can output corresponding signals according to user requirements, such as RS485 or 4-20mA.

- High precision and fast response: Temperature measurement range is -40~80℃, humidity measurement range is 0~100%RH, and barometric pressure measurement range is 10~1200hPa, which ensures comprehensive coverage of various environmental conditions.

- Power supply: support DC 12V-24V power supply, adapt to different power supply environment.

- Operating temperature and humidity: it can work in the temperature range of -40℃~80℃, and the relative humidity range is 0~100%, ensuring all-weather operation.

Widely used areas: not only for greenhouse cultivation, but also widely used in meteorology, marine, environment, airport, port, laboratory, industry, agriculture and transport and other fields, showing its strong adaptability and practicality.

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Greenhouse temperature sensor value and role:

Greenhouse temperature sensor is the core component of intelligent agriculture, which helps farmers to achieve by real-time monitoring and analysis of greenhouse environmental data:

- Precise regulation: Automatically adjust the temperature, humidity and air pressure in the greenhouse according to the crop growth requirements to create the most suitable growing environment.

- Resource optimisation: Reduce unnecessary energy consumption such as heating, cooling and irrigation, thus reducing operating costs.

- Pest and disease prevention: Monitor environmental changes to provide early warning of possible pest and disease risks and take preventative measures.

- Data-driven decision-making: Collect long-term environmental data to provide a scientific basis for crop management and optimise planting strategies.

- Intelligent early warning, risk prevention: When the greenhouse environmental parameters exceed the preset range, the sensor can send out timely warning signals to help growers take rapid measures to prevent crop losses caused by environmental changes.

- Promote the development of intelligent agriculture: as an important part of intelligent agriculture, greenhouse temperature sensors for the intelligent production of agricultural production, automation provides strong support to promote the development of agriculture to a more efficient, more environmentally friendly, more sustainable direction.

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Temperature sensor application scenarios:

- Agricultural greenhouse: monitoring and controlling the temperature, humidity and air pressure in the greenhouse to provide the best growing environment for crops.

- Meteorological monitoring: Used in weather stations to collect meteorological data and provide support for weather forecasting and climate research.

- Environmental monitoring: monitoring environmental changes, providing data support for environmental protection and pollution control.

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This multifunctional temperature, humidity and barometric pressure sensor, with its high precision, high stability, high adaptability and wide application value, has become an indispensable intelligent tool in modern agricultural production. It can not only help growers accurately control the greenhouse environment, improve crop yield and quality, but also promote the intelligent transformation of agricultural production and promote the development of intelligent agriculture. Choosing this greenhouse temperature sensor is to choose a more efficient, intelligent and sustainable agricultural production in the future.

Atmospheric Temperature Humidity and pressure Sensor data sheet


Sensors & Weather Stations Catalog

Agriculture Sensors and Weather Stations Catalog-NiuBoL.pdf

Weather Stations Catalog-NiuBoL.pdf

Agriculture Sensors Catalog-NiuBoL.pdf

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