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Changsha Zoko Link Technology Co., Ltd.


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  • How is the wetness of a leaf measured?The leaf wetness sensor can accurately measure the leaf surface humidity, and can monitor the trace water or ice crystal residues on the leaf surface. The shape of the sensor is designed to mimic a leaf, which realistically simulates the characteristics of the page and therefore more accurately reflects the foliage environment. It measures the amount of water ···

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  • Soil heat flux is the amount of heat that passes through the soil profile per unit of time. Its value depends on the temperature gradient between the upper and lower soil layers and the thermal conductivity of the soil. Soil temperature is an important factor in forest climate and is closely related to plant growth. Different light conditions in forest stands with different slopes and slope orient···

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  • Heat flux is an important parameter describing the soil heat balance, which is one of the important components of the surface energy balance. Its change characteristics have an important impact on soil water-heat coupling process, climate change and agricultural production. When the soil surface absorbs solar radiant energy, the heat is transferred to the deeper layers by molecular conduction, whi···

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  • Soil heat flux sensor, also known as, soil heat flux plate, heat flux plate, heat flow meter, soil heat flux sensor is a traditional soil thermal performance tester, mainly used to measure the energy balance of the soil and the heat conduction rate of the soil layer, its value depends on the temperature gradient between the upper and lower soil layers and the thermal conductivity of the soil, the ···

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  • weather station is a device or location dedicated to observing and recording various meteorological elements. These meteorological elements include temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, radiation and so on. According to their functions and observation scope, meteorological stations can be divided into basic meteorological stations, automatic meteoro···

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  • There are many kinds of instruments used in weather stations, the following are some common weather station instruments:Automatic weather station, the Automatic Rainfall Station, Wind Speed and Direction Meter, Wind Vane, Wind Bag, Radiometer: used to measure the amount of solar radiation. Such as gross radiation meter, net radiation meter, etc., atmospheric temperature and humidity pressure senso···

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  • Weather stations can be divided into the following types according to different classification standards: Automatic weather stations: Handheld weather station: Small weather station: Portable weather station: According to the use of points: photovoltaic/agricultural weather station/traffic/airport/scenic area/campus weather station, and so on.

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  • weather station is a device used to observe and predict weather phenomena for a wide range of purposes, including but not limited to the following:Meteorological observation: weather stations can collect various meteorological data, such as temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, etc. These data are important for weather forecasting, climate change researc···

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  • snow depth sensor is a device designed to measure the depth of snow accumulation. Its main function is to accurately measure and record the depth of snow accumulation. This type of equipment is important for meteorological observations, road snow clearing, ski resort management, traffic management, agricultural and environmental monitoring, and mountain disaster prevention. Snow depth sensors work···

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  • An ultrasonic snow depth sensor is a device used to measure snow depth, and its main function is to accurately measure and record the depth of snow accumulation.The use of ultrasonic snow depth sensors is not limited to meteorological observatories, but is also widely used in scenarios such as ski resorts, road snow clearing management, and mountain disaster prevention. For example, ski resorts ca···

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XBlogs-soil sensor-agrometeorological station-Changsha Zoko Link Technology Co., Ltd-Automatic weather stations_Pyranometer_Agricultural sensor_Soil sensor_temperature and humidity sensor_PH sensor_NPK sensor_environmental monitoring-NiuBoL

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