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Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge RS485

RS485 tipping bucket rain gauges are commonly used in hydrological monitoring networks, agricultural applications, and environmental research where remote, real-time rainfall data collection is essential. The RS485 communication capability allows for efficient integration into larger monitoring and control systems, enabling comprehensive management of water resources and environmental conditions.


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Product Details

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RS485 tipping bucket rain gauge is a type of rain gauge that employs the RS485 communication protocol to transmit data. Tipping bucket rain gauges are widely used for measuring rainfall, and the addition of RS485 communication capability allows for remote monitoring and integration with data acquisition systems. Here's how a RS485 tipping bucket rain gauge typically works:

 1. Tipping Bucket Mechanism: The rain gauge consists of a funnel that collects rainwater and directs it to a mechanism with a tipping bucket. Each time a specific amount of rainwater (usually 0.2 mm or 0.01 inch) is collected, the bucket tips, and a reed switch or other sensor detects the tip.

 2. Data Processing: The tipping events are counted and processed by internal circuitry within the rain gauge to calculate the total rainfall accumulation over a specific period.

 3. RS485 Communication: The rain gauge is equipped with an RS485 interface, allowing it to communicate with other devices over a network. The RS485 protocol enables bidirectional data transmission over long distances and supports the connection of multiple devices on the same network.

 4. Wiring: The rain gauge is connected to other devices, such as data loggers, PLCs, or computers, using twisted pair cables for RS485 communication. The RS485 standard uses differential signaling for robust communication in industrial environments.

 5. Data Transmission: The rain gauge sends the accumulated rainfall data as digital signals using the RS485 protocol. This data is transmitted in a synchronous manner, ensuring reliable and accurate communication.

 6. RS485 Network: Multiple RS485 devices, including other rain gauges or environmental sensors, can be connected to the same network. Each device has a unique address, and the master device can request data from specific slaves or send commands to control them.

 7. Data Interpretation: The receiving device decodes the RS485 data stream and processes the accumulated rainfall information. This data can be logged, displayed on a user interface, or used for further analysis and decision-making.

 RS485 tipping bucket rain gauges are commonly used in hydrological monitoring networks, agricultural applications, and environmental research where remote, real-time rainfall data collection is essential. The RS485 communication capability allows for efficient integration into larger monitoring and control systems, enabling comprehensive management of water resources and environmental conditions.

The main applications for the Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge include:

1. Meteorological observation: Used to monitor and record rainfall, providing data support for weather forecasting and climate research.

2. Hydrological monitoring: Used to measure rainfall to help assess hydrological conditions such as surface runoff and flood risk.

3. Agricultural Irrigation: Used to monitor rainfall and assist in farm irrigation management decisions.

The role and value of the Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge includes:

1. providing accurate rainfall data to provide a basis for research and forecasting in meteorology, hydrology and other fields.

2. monitoring rainfall to help assess needs in areas such as flood risk, water resource management and irrigated agriculture.

3. support climate change research by analysing climate trends through long-term observations of rainfall changes.

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Tipping bucket rain gauge data sheet



Sensors & Weather Stations Catalog

Agriculture Sensors and Weather Stations Catalog-NiuBoL.pdf

Weather Stations Catalog-NiuBoL.pdf

Agriculture Sensors Catalog-NiuBoL.pdf

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